"Growing in living soil gifts the buds more terpenes than most indoor flower, hovering off the charts in terpene profiles."
- Lindsey Bartlett, Forbes
"... it just makes sense that a living ecosystem would produce the best products---and in pretty much the greenest possible way you can indoors."
- Jon Cappetta, High Times

"Long Beach's No-Till Kings grow indoor buds in living soil, which is a healthy, regenerative, and sustainable cultivation tactic..."
- Jackie Bryant, Uproxx
"...No Till Kings propelled their cultivars into the next stratosphere. No Till Kings are spreading the gospel of regenerative cannabis cultivation and honestly believe it is the way of the future."
- Lucas Indrikovs, March and Ash

"It tasted so good that I smoked almost the entire eighth in one sitting..."
- Jackie Bryant, California Leaf Magazine

"These guys are going the extra mile, the extra step." "... there's very few spots that we've walked through as First Smoke and been blown away and this is definitely one of them."
- Blackleaf, First Smoke of the Day